We are sorry to share the news that Dr. Connie Eaves has passed away. Dr. Eaves was a leader & trailblazer in the #stemcell & #cancer fields, & her impact has been felt around the world. To her family, colleagues, friends, & the people she mentored, we extend our condolences.
Arman Rahmim
Super excited about the upcoming @SNM_MI AI Summit 2.0 (AI in Action), following a very success AI Summit in 2022. Thu Feb 29 1:00pm ET & all day Friday March 1. You can attend in person or remotely: captions.snmmi.org/CAPTIONS/Share And here's the summit agenda: captions.snmmi.org/common/Uploade
Arman Rahmim
Super excited about the upcoming @SNM_MI AI Summit 2.0 (AI in Action), following a very success AI Summit in 2022. Thu Feb 29 1:00pm ET & all day Friday March 1. You can attend in person or remotely: captions.snmmi.org/CAPTIONS/Share And here's the summit agenda: captions.snmmi.org/common/Uploade
Fascinating, eye-opening, question-raising talk: "We're (not) fine: Lack of fairness in AI-based medical image diagnostic tools" youtu.be/xTz8V6CMMmk Invited talk to us by Dr. @LalehSkalantari, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science @YorkUniversity
What's Noise in imaging? What's Bias? What's Mean Squared Error (MSE)? What are Contrast and Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR)? What's the Rose criterion? What's Contrast Recovery Coefficient? How do these relate to each other and different image recons?